Saturday, 19 January 2008



This week’s theme is on IMPORTANT.
Last week, I posted up a skinny stray mother cat which has given birth to 3 kittens.
This week, it will be on my cat Jessica which has also given birth to 3 kittens.
Who could be more IMPORTANT in our life other than our MOTHER?
The same case goes for Justin who is only 15 days old.
To him, his MOTHER is the most IMPORTANT entity in his life.
He understood the importance and the unconditional love of his mother
towards him and his other siblings, Janice and Jayson too.
No matter how hard and painfully it is for a mother to bring us into this world,
she will never forgo her duties to ensure that we are loved and cared for.
If you have not spend quality time with your mother for some time now,
go ahead and give her a call or be with her right now.
This is the best way to show her how IMPORTANT she is in our life.



For those members,
Please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Anonymous said...

How cute! Love this:)My Photo Hunt is up as well;-) Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

You are an animal lover. You will be blessed

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! Happy weekend!

J o a N said...

those are cute pets :)

Happy weekend!

Liz said...

Great take on the theme. Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

How cute! Thanks for dropping by. Happy hunting.

Michele said...

Oh my, is this adorable... I love the way her paw is outstretched... soooo cute!! You take great animal pictures!
Rocky Mountain Retreat

Rajson said...

They are so cute. yes,all kind od mothers are very important.
Happy Weekend!

Juliana said... is so cute :D

My Photo Hunter in here

Anonymous said...

Awwww...what a GREAT shot!!!

Happy Weekend.

jams o donnell said...

What a cute pair! You are right about mothers. Happy weekend

Lisa said...

Very cute and yep mothers are very important.

david mcmahon said...

Beatifully expressed, Criz

Carver said...

Great photograph and take on the theme. Have a good weekend.

Liz Hinds said...

That's a wonderful photo!

And you're right about the importance of mothers.

Have a good weekend.

jennwa said...

Very cute. Mom's are very important. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

A lovely photo and a great sentiment. Sara from farmingfriends

ellen b. said...

Nice idea! Mothers are important...

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

What a sweet cat and kitten!

maryt/theteach said...

Unfortunately Criz my mother is no longer with us...but I think of her often. Your shot of mother and baby is wonderful!

jmb said...

You just love those cats,Criz. Lovely photo and I hope the skinny one is doing OK. Have a great weekend.

Katney said...

You are right and I wish I could spend time with my mother again.

Weird Dan said...

Your cats make the limelight again! :D

poor man's nicole richie said...

very playful cat!

btw, i really do bring colgate and toothpaste all the time.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Awww- so cute!

Leah said...

Oh how adorable. mommy cat and baby kitty...truly important.

PastormacsAnn said...

Love that look of contentment and pride on the mama cat's face!

Mom's are of the utmost importance. I miss my mom something fierce.

Great choice for The Hunt.

Ingrid said...

You are probably right, but not all mothers are good !

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Wow~ 3 new kittens to care for :) Mommy cat is lucky to have you as it's owner :)

Anonymous said...

Heh..this is a really cool pic. She looks real knackered.

Thanks for dropping a comment on one of my 'normal' posts. I think it's impt to keep a positive spirit...but very very hard to maintain it for a long time...

thanks yea...means a lot.

Anonymous said...

How LOVEly! thanks for dropping by my photohunt entry!

Lilla Blanka said...

What a cute photo!

Joy said...

Cute pic!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhaa! They look lovely (=

And yes, Mother is the most important (=

LibertyBelle said...

I agree 100%!!
Beautiful and loving photo!
Happy Weekend

Anonymous said...

Very sweet!! What a happy mom.

GHD said...

Happy Weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute photo! I have Meowy Mondays and Woofday Wednesdays for my strays & rescues.

My Important photo is up, too... come visit! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Criz,
sorry i'm late. ehehe
Mama and child theme. So sweet.
If I wan to link to you, which blog should I link?

Betty said...

I love the kitty picture. So cute.

Thank you for stopping by my site and leaving a comment. Come back for a visit any time.

Anna said...

What a cutie....nice photo thanks for sharing...Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart

Anonymous said...

Ohhh!!! that's really cute...

Anonymous said...

An adorable photo. I love their names. Our cats are Minnie, Howard and Eloise. I have featured each of them on recent Thursday Thirteens. Mothers are very important, good choice. Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

How precious.

MommyTime said...

Seems like we had a similar idea about what's important. Thanks for coming by my site and commenting too. These are adorable kitten pictures.

Kelly Ann said...

Very cute! Thanks for coming by my blog. :)

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

Awww~ So sweet!! :D

BunGirl said...

Awwww... cute post! And all too true too.

YTSL said...

Out of curiosity: why all the human-sounding J names for your cats?

Anonymous said...

a warm post.. touching

Anonymous said...

Very sweet. Great choice for important!

larawannabe said...

awww... what a cutie. i love cats :)

thanks for visiting my blog. enjoy your weekend!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a very sweet photo. :)

CHIKAI ♥ said...

what a cute and sweet photo! ;) thanks for sharing!

and thanks for peeking at my entry. ;)


Christina Cham said...


Pamela said... that photo! I am an animal lover, too, and a mom. There's nothing better in the world. Have a great week!

Heather said...

What a sweet photo -- and post! You're so right!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you're having a great weekend! ;o)

Dragonstar said...

Beautiful photo! I love the look on the mother's face.

Maddi said...

What a sweet picture!!

Great job with the photo hunt!

Anonymous said...

Awww so cute!! Great picture, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my site.
I love kitties, but unfortunately am extremely allergic to them.
On a bright note your delightful pic did not make me sneeze LOL
Congrats on the three little ones.

Kim said...

adorable--we love our cats at our house!

Anonymous said...

Eventhough I'm more of a dog person, but I have to say your cats look absolutely adorable!! So precious, thanks for sharing ;)

Andree said...

You do the most marvelous job photographing these babes.

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