Saturday, 28 July 2007


This week’s topic is on CREATIVE,
I would like to show you what I have cooked last weekend.
I have presented it CREATIVELY
in the shape of a FISH.
Look at how beautiful and lively it is,
swimming amongst the corals on the seabed.

 Criz’s Sanctuary

Here is another angle of my yummy seafood fettuccine.
 Criz’s Sanctuary

Here is close up shot of how yummy it looks.
Criz’s Sanctuary

Hop over Criz's Kitchen if you would like to have the recipe.
For more recipes, click Criz's Recipe Section.

For those Photo Hunters members,
Please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you. Have a Great Weekend!


Anonymous said...

1st to comment... yipee...

creative... so beautifully decorated... but too beautiful to go down my throat into my tummy...

nice work done...

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous. You are very creative. My creative was food also.

Happy Photo Hunting.

Chen said...

Looks good.
I feel like eating it now..
Hahha, it's late at night and past midnight liao but I feel hungry :D

Anonymous said...

chris..this is fantastic...u have excelled this week, to b honest i never expected such a dish from u :)

Satkuru said...

wow. that's really eye catching man. not only did you do something creative but you have made me hungry as well :P

Anonymous said...

That looks so yummy! Great job on creative this week. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

Liz Hinds said...

That looks soooo good! Very creative and looks just delicious to eat too.

jams o donnell said...

Now that looks so tasty. Great photos too. My mouth is watering!

Tina said...

No i am hungry. Want some Seafood Fettuccine. Thanks for the recipe link, it´s on my fave list. :-)

Bye the way. Leonie will become a very creative person. She has so much fun and a wanton imagination.

Have a nice weekend. :-)

Tina said...

meant now *argh*

jams o donnell said...

Wow that looks delicious. Great photos too.. The first taste is really with the eye. Happy weekend

Diane and Jack said...

Nicely presented and now I am hungry, thanks for providing the recipes but I don't have the stuff to make it. :(

Enjoy the weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

Very colorful! :)

Anonymous said...

yum!! you are a very creative cook. Looks yummy.

Anonymous said...

love the presentation!

Anonymous said...

creative presentation. yummy and what makes it more yummier is how it is decorated.

lissa said...

wish I can cook - looks delicious and well presented

Anonymous said...

Oh you can cook for me anyday!! That looks heavenly.

Happy Weekend.

Jonzz said...

*Growl* Stomach hungry looking at that. Ha ha, and haven't had breakfast.

That's very imaginative and creative, LOL!

PowersTwinB said...

Criz! You are so creative in the kitchen!!! wow...a plate like that would sell for $$ here in Michigan, where there's no seafood on hand, we have to always import it from the eastern and western and southern States!! Great shots! My photo is up already, please come and visit!

Anonymous said...

Perfect for the theme...and wonderfully beautiful, not sure I would be able to serve it after it was finished!

Happy Photo Hunting

JC said...

Wonderful! You are a romantic at heart. Time for a late night snack, now...


Who can resist beautifully garnished meal.
Mine is up too.

Montserrat said...

Looks very appetizing!

ipanema said...

hey that is so creative of you! you are like one of my colleagues who likes to cook! that's a plus for men. keep it up! :)

eastcoastlife said...

Woot! You are a good cook yourself! That looks yummy! ^-^

Big Belly Khuen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Belly Khuen said...

haha... well look sumptious..
i would love to have that

Dexter said...

criz, rememebr this...

"keep it simple and attracting"

nice nice... haha...

Angela said...

Mmm, delicious!

Anonymous said...

YUM YUM, can't stop myself for loving it :P

JHS said...

Come on over to my house and cook ANY time! That looks beautiful and delicious.

Blur Mommy said...

wow, very creative!! Looks too nice to be eaten. : ) You are a very good cook!

jaecywong* said...

that;s really pretty!! can;t believe u actually made that... so creative!! :) link u alreadyXD

jmb said...

That is so beautiful and very creative indeed. Did you scarf it down later?

Ben Ho Beng Han said...

NOt bad ..

Jose said...

You just got me hungry, I have been craving fish for a while now. Presentation is exquisit, truly a creative piece.

Jade.Phoenix said...

wow...looks really yummy~!!
guys are better cooks these's so true....

Lynn said...

This made me really hungry. You are one creative person. :)

Stine said...


Daisy said...

That looks yummy for my tummy. But I think it is too pretty to eat! Of course, if you don't eat it, it will not look so pretty in a day or two...

Anonymous said...

Drat! I should have posted a few of my Hubby's culinary creations. He's a chef.

These look sooooo tasty!

MaR said...

Outstanding! my congratulations to the chef *wink*

Katya said...

edible creativity...does it get any better than that? Absolutely wonderful, and great photos as well!

Gran said...

AWESOME presention with excellent creative skills. This presentation needs to be published in a magazine. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Crazy Working Mom said...

I've not eaten breakfast yet this I'm off to find something. You've made me very hungry! Great photos. Thanks for dropping by.

Cheryl said...

I can see the fish creative that is...looks like a lot of stuff in that dish.

Anonymous said...

That is really creative, it makes the food look so appetising. I'll have to go and have a look at that recipe.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very creative presentation! It almost looks too good to eat!

Karen said...

VERY creative. Maybe my son would actually eat that food since it's so wonderfully displayed!

Mine's up!

Anonymous said...

that looks almost too pretty to eat! ALMOST!

Andree said...

That looks awesome and I haven't even had breakfast yet! It also looks like a lot of work!!

Ingrid said...

Congratulations that really looks like a work from a 5* chef ! It would be a pity to eat it, lol ! Without any doubt you are very creative that's artistic work !

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, and very creative.

SASSY MOM said...

Creative take I may say! You're a real great photographer!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's impressive!! I wouldn't have been able to eat it though. Much too pretty to touch!!!

RobKPhD said...

Mmmm! edible art.

Whirlwind said...

Wow that is very creative!

PA said...

I was was hungry, now I'm even more hungry, gonna make a feed soon.

Chris said...

Don't know how you could bear to eat it and spoil its good looks!

Anonymous said...

I love it when food looks as good as it tastes. I would definitely not leave a bite for this one.

Very creative.

Take care,

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yuuuumy! Is that catnip sprinkled on top? ::drool::

Turtles said...

Nicely done and very creative! It looks positively delicious.

=chuan guan= said...

wow..such many comments..haha..nicely wonder..haha

Anonymous said...

just beautiful!!!

Crooked Eyebrow said...

Creative cuisine! wonderful!

Unknown said...

Creative Food Dishes... always a winner!

YTSL said...

Very interesting Photo Hunt entry; one that calls upon those who view it to be imaginative in order to really appreciate how creative it all is! :)

alisonwonderland said...

yummy - and beautiful! very "creative"!

thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Criz, that looks wonderful! Creative and delicious, just how I like my dinner! :)

Thanks for the visit! Happy weekend!

Miz said...'s late and that looks yummy. Nothing that good in my kitchen!

eph2810 said... - that is way creative and looks yummy. Actually it looks to good to eat - very cool.
Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful Sunday. said...

I respect the effort you spent cooking the dish

Unheard Voice said...


BenSpark said...

Creative and tasty too. Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Can belanja us all makan?

KeV's wAlKAbOuT said...

I totally love seafood!! and it sure looks yummy!

btw, ur tagged! =)

Anonymous said...

Very creative and delicous! Looks yummy!

Teena in Toronto said...

I don't see anything :( But it sounds delish!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by. Very creative indeed.

Anonymous said...

Great little fishy! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Paulie said...

What a creative way to serve a dish. . . i would love to eat something so appetizing looking!

If you haven't seen my entry, come do so.

Spicy said...

Amazing! Very creative from plating the food to taking a photo. I am a I will keep you on my sidebar..and look forward to more of your pics. And yes, I will be by to check out your recipes. Thanks.

HartofDixie said...

Very creative! Love it all.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say - Yummo! Hi Criz, finally got to make this comment. It was crazy yesterday, the surf just kept hanging on me.

Patricia said...

Wow! I am truly impressed! Sorry it took me so long to get to your photo. Thank you for visiting Pollywog Creek and commenting about my father's creativity. I hope you are having a wonderful week! Blessings.

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