Saturday 16 February 2008



If you mention the word “money”, you would have noticed that most people especially students who want to earn a bit more to subsidize their education fees would have their eyes wide open. The main problem they are facing is that they do not know how they can relieve their financial worries through the internet. I have reviewed many websites and found some good advices in, a blog that talk all about online marketing, design, domain and blogging.

The baby of two online marketers, John Davis and Anthony Feint, they are willing to share some of their trade secrets on how to make money blogging. In one of the latest posts, there are points on how to make money online using free blogs without worrying about hosting, domain or bandwidth fees. There are even tips on how to fully utilize other free blogs as spin-offs which will not only generate traffics to the main blog but also for your spin-off blogs. After all, it is through traffics that will generate more readerships as well as creating more opportunities for you to make that extra income.

In case you are all together new in the money making business, you might want to learn up a few tips and tricks on how to set your first step into the blogosphere and also the Do and Don’t in setting up your website. There is also an alternative solution mentioned in the website that might help some of those who were hard hit by the G-Bomb and would like to recover their losses by means of engaging another potential service such as ScratchBack.

Even if you are not so keen in blogging your life away but would like to consider investing in domains and selling them off as part of your internet investment plans, you could always refer to their advice on the flipping game. Who knows that what you paid for with a few dollars might make your pocket grow a few hundreds or thousands dollars richer?

If you find the website interesting and would like to be updated with the latest tips and tricks, you can always add to their feed or even add the link to your browser for future references.

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