Saturday 1 December 2007



This week’s theme is on RED.
What would be more appropriate then to introduce our local delicacy?
This is a dessert created by the Hokkiens in Malaysia.
ANG KOO – ANG means RED, KOO means Tortoise.
This bright RED dessert is served during many occasions,
mainly marriages, prayers, birthdays, full month of the birth of a child, etc.
It comes in turtle, round, flat snow pea and apricot shapes.
During the Full Moon (one month old) of a child,
A box of Ang Koo is given to relatives and friends.
The RED round ones symbolize a boy,
The RED apricot shaped ones symbolize a girl.
These beautiful RED desserts are made from glutinous rice
with sweetened mashed green beans, groundnuts or coconut as fillings.


As usual, I would not want to leave out my kitty model.
Here is Jon trying to act as if he is the Santa Claus,
dressing up with a RED Santa hat and hiding himself under a blanket of RED cloth.



For those members,
Please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


eastcoastlife said...

Wah! Almost did the Full Month red eggs and ang koo kueh! When are you going to distribute this!? hehe....

Santa Pussy looks adorable in red. ^-^

Liz said...

Thanks for sharing! I learned somehing today. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great choices for the theme! Mine is up at Happy Hunting :)

Anonymous said...

Haha! you and your cats! Why does your ang koo look kinda more orange than red? you skimped on the colouring?

Heather said...

Those are fascinating--and the cat is adorable.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hey you look great in red!!! Love it.

Natalie said...

Interesting! I've never heard of those before.

My photo hunt pictures are up now too! :)

Team Tabby said...

Jon, you are a natural, dressed as Santa Paws!

Moe & Mindy

Blur Mommy said...

Oooh, I want ang koo kuih!! long time never eat already!

My PhotoHunt photos are up too!


That seems to be very inviting. Cute santa.

PowersTwinB said...

Interesting looking candy! Looks like Jon is in the spirit of Christmas a little early too. Thanks for visiting my hunt, I always appreciate your visits

jmb said...

That's an interesting delicacy and we are glad to see Kitty in red too. Have a great weekend Criz.

Chen said...

haven't have ang koo kueh for quite a while.

Heheh, Jon enjoys himself in the santa claus outfit. My doggy won't allow me to put the santa claus hat on him :)

jams o donnell said...

Great shots. Your cat looks so dignified in read, Happy weekend

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Thank you for sharing the information about your local delicacy.

Jon looks very cute with his Santa hat on. :)

My red photo.

Anonymous said...

waaahhh~ I miss ang koo kueh~

Secret Agent Mama said...

That's just gotta be tasty!

Jon looks great in red, too. :D

Mine are here! Stop by if you can!

Weird Dan said...

lol... pussy in red.. woops..
i mean cat in red.. and the ang koo.. *drools*

MaR said...

It's always great to learn new things! lovely shots. Happy weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very interesting dessert. And different shapes for boy and girl. Jon looks ready for the holidays too. Have a good weekend.
The parents of my little pride and joy hope to make her a future REDS fan,

Ritsumei said...

Those sweets are pretty intresting looking! Too bad you can't taste things through the computer... now I'm curious. Lovely cat!

Here's mine.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Amazing shots, and the dessert look like something delicious!

Anonymous said...

YUM! YUM! I can feel my saliva dripping already. heheh (=

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