Tuesday 6 November 2007



These few days, I have been looking around for more openings to earn some extra cash since most of the pay per post companies I have registered in were running low in giving out opportunities. I discovered Blogsvertise. Its new enhanced features, which are way much difference compared to the rest of the companies, truly amazed me. It is so user friendly. I can even add my photo, video and descriptions of my blog as well as myself.

This is surely an extra bonus for bloggers as advertisers will have a clearer and easier way to judge the blog, thus assigning more opportunities to them. What a great way to get paid to blog.

There are 4 ways you can earn money in Blogsvertise:

1. Blog Entries: 2-3 paragraphs of review on the advertiser’s products and services.

2. Blog Video and Entries: 20-30 seconds of video promoting the advertiser’s website plus a review.

3. Blog Homepage Text Link: Text Link Adverts at your website/blog’s side bar monthly.

4. Blog Homepage Banner: Banner Adverts at your website/blog’s side bar monthly. You can have a selection of different sizes.

Why wait now when you can register yourself at www.blogsvertise.com and get yourself earning more within the next 24 hours.

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