Wednesday 14 November 2007


It would be a joke if you say that men have PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) or locally we call it the “Auntie’s Visit”. Unless a guy has ovaries that releases matured eggs every month, it is not possible. In case you guys do not understand the process of ovulation, let me brief you on the meaning of menstrual period. It is something that a woman would experience every month until the ovaries stop releasing eggs and it is real sufferings for them. You would not know the pain they are having unless you are in their shoes.

Once a month, the tiny maturing egg will leave one of the ovaries toward the uterus. If the egg was not fertilized by a sperm and does not attach to the wall of the uterus, the uterus will shed an extra tissue lining. The blood, tissue, and unfertilized egg will then be dispersed out of the body. This is what we call a menstrual period. This process will go on and on for tens of years until the ovaries stopped producing eggs. Due to the hormone changes, there would be emotional swings for a woman throughout the week. This is the period where most women would need words of concern, understanding and some warmth from the people surrounding her.

Men do have similar symptoms as in fluctuation of hormone levels as many as 3-4 times a day for the rest of their lives. Some may call it mid-life crisis. Some may call it life pressures. But overall, these mood swings are caused by depression and anxiety. To me it is called “Uncle’s Visit” but there is a scientific name for it. It is DYSTHYMIA.

Dysthymia are mild depression that most men take for granted in their daily lives. Most men will just ignore them and thus leaving themselves in a chronic state, emotionally for many years. This usually happened to those people who have an unhappy life, work or education stress, financial burden and love relationships. If dysthymia is not treated earlier with the necessary measurement, it will lead to severe depression. It might also lead to a high rate of suicide, work impairment, and social isolation.

Most of us are not aware that we are slowly sliding into depression. It can start as early as in our teen years and last for a long period until we were immune to it. We tend to adjust to every worsening mood and assume that they are reacting normally to life's circumstances. You might want to know if you are having dysthymia by studying your moods for the last 2 years. If your answers to the following questions are more than 6 “Yes”, it is better for you to seek medical expertise before it is too late.

1. Do you tend to have poor appetite or overeating problem most of the time?
2. Do you lose weight and gain weight inconsistently without any diet plans?
3. Do you tend to feel lethargic at odd times all the time?
4. Do you have prolonged insomnia or oversleeping problems?
5. Do you have low esteem, feeling lost, sad or “blank” most of the time?
6. Do you a mind that runs wild in your attempt to concentrate on your work or studies and finishing a task seemed to take a longer period?
7. Do you always say “errrr”, “maybe”, “let me think first” when an immediate answer is needed when making decision?
8. Do you have inferiority complex that you are hopeless or guilty or lost interest in everything that you do?
9. Do you get irritated easily and get restless, agitated, worried or bad tempered over small matters?
10. Do you have persistent headaches, indigestive systems or chronic bodily pain that refused to response to any medication?
11. Do you have uncontrollable emotion problems that lead you to unhappiness, sadness and negativity?
12. Do you isolate yourself socially or have withdrawn from your peers?
13. Do you have constant feelings of suicide, or contemplating suicide?
14. Does your family tree have a history of with depression, alcoholism or nervous breakdowns?

How is your result? Is it promising or is it such a terrible state that you will whack me for coming out with such a post? Hehe! Well, it is your choice. To seek treatment or not depends on you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dysthymia? I heard something about it a while ago but I never knew the name. Though I'm not sure if that can be called Male PMS. Something closer to male PMS is IMS (Irritable Male Syndrome) and is a result not of financial stressors or mid life crisis and so on, but due to hormone (mainly testosterone) imbalances and fluctuations, much more like PMS itself don't you think? Also much like women, men will also later in life experience "male menopause"... But that's another different issue :)

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