Saturday, 4 August 2007


This week’s topic is on FUNKY,
I would like to show you the
of my friend’s son, Chris.
Look at his FUNKY hairstyle, colors & tongue piercing.

Criz’s Sanctuary

For those Photo Hunters members,
Please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you.
Have a Great Weekend!


Anonymous said...

waseh !!!
nice seafood u friend has...
lol XD

Anonymous said...

err... I seriously cannot accept this type of feshion.

Anonymous said...

*echos hijackqueen's comment*
Neither can I!

eastcoastlife said...

Not the red hair, the rest are ok with me. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow they look so young! I love the way they are expressing themselves.
I love your definition of funky. I used to have my tongue pierced. It came as a shock to people who knew because I looked so "normal".
Happy Photo Hunting!

MaR said...

very colorful take on this week's theme, that's truly funky!!

jams o donnell said...

great take on this week's theme! Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

As a 55 year old guy, these kinds of "fashions" are not for me. Should have seen me in the sixties, though.

Interesting pics, though... and they are so young!

Anonymous said...

wow, now that's really funky. i wouldn't even try anything close to that :P

Anonymous said...

Funky indeed!! Looks like a lot of the young folks these days.

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very funky! Have a great weekend!

Karen said...

Won't lose him in a crowd, will you? Very funky!

Lisa said...

Very funky - I love it. Happy weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

What a great set of funky photos!!

Rach said...

cool hair styles! my fave is the pink one :-) Happy weekend

Jose said...

Too funky but cool in it's own right.

jmb said...

These are a great photos, you could get him a job as a model. I love them.

Anonymous said...

That is truly funky! Thanks for visiting me too. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Whew! this kid is really funky!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Pink hair is sooooo cool. ;-)

Samantha & Mom said...

Kid will be kids no matter what generation! Pretty funky looking to me!! Happy Hunting!!
Your FL furiends,
and Mom

Anonymous said...

i love the pink hair...must try it.

Andree said...

I actually love that look. My kids did the tongue thing but quickly let it go!


Oooh la la! That one is good.
Mine is up too.

Anonymous said...

Those are some pretty funky hairdo's, great ones.

Marsha said...

I'd like mine to be done in blue with gold accents!! Wow - what a transformation!

JC said...

To be young again...
He's a handsome young man anyway!

Katya said...

That is *definitely* a funky transformation. And, did your friend ever protest these changes? YIKES!

Ingrid said...

That's really funky ! but not my taste !

Anonymous said...

They are funky punks, :) Wilder hair versions of F4.

have a great weekend!

TorAa said...

Hurra - these are really funky - excellent and humurous entries

Unknown said...

He's handsome. They look like a punk rocker group! Are they?

ipanema said...

funky boy indeed! what a transformation. :)

JHS said...

Tongue piercing is bizarre and dangerous. Sorry, but I just can't understand why anybody would do that.

Anonymous said...

FUNKY... and all I can picture are my own sons, and dad's reaction!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very funky! Cool hair and glasses. Yuck on the tongue piercing though!

Sue said...

Great funky hair photos.

Happy Saturday! Thanks for visiting.

A. said...

Actually I like the hairstyles, they suit the people. I have a bit of a proble with tongue piercings though - makes me cringe!

Thanks for visiting earlier :)

Michele said...

It is funky for sure. Red hair doesn't bother me. Piercings on tongues do not bother me, it is piercings in the face such as the eyebrows and the lips and the chins that bother me.... otherwise hair color is not permanent... it grows out or it can be changed.

Anonymous said...

Very funky indeed!

Unknown said...

this is all you? I like the first pic the most, must be the eyes. very funky, thanks for visiting.

Ginabee said...

Great photos. They are definitely funky!

eph2810 said...

Wow - I liked the first hair-cut much better :) - Not sure if could have something in my tongue - great photos for this week's hunt theme.

Have a funky fabulous weekend.

Shawna said...

Very funky!! Perfect for the theme!

Gran said...

Great photo for our theme. They are very FUNKY hairstyles.

Have a great weekend!
Visit mine:

Anita Powell said...

tongue piercing seems so painful! cool funky transformation

Anonymous said...

*whistles* Well, that's some changes alright!

That's something I would never do myself, but I'm an old hag so how would that look? *giggles*

My are just funky spunky :-)

Linda said...

Yep, that's quite the funky transformation!

SabineM said...

amazing transformation and YES FUNKY!

jenny said...

More funky than I am willing to go, to be sure! ;-) Cool!

Teena in Toronto said...

He's stylin'!

Mine's up too :) said...

I guess that's part of being young

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are funky hairstyles. Perfect for the theme.

Harajuku PearL said...

oh yeah...sure is a funky and punky!..hehehe


Anonymous said...

Great examples of funky! He's quite the pretty boy (definitely NOT a disrespectful comment, as I think the pretty boys are the best... Johnny Depp, Davey Havok, etc. etc.). And I love all types of fashion and expression. I might not understand it, but I can appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

And, mine's up, too, BTW... :-)

Paulie said...

Now that's what I call funky! I did not participate this week but hope you'll come by next week since I have several photos for the word description.

Anonymous said...

now thats definitely funky and scary.

Unknown said...

Thanks for leaving a comment at my photohunt!!

Those are some funky styles... I am thinking of some blue highlights myself... which will be oh-so (not-so) funky for me

Vash said...

That Pink hair is very funky!

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