Wednesday 14 November 2007


Sometimes it is nice to pamper ourselves to dine in an air conditioned restaurant to have hot steaming dishes served to us without worrying about clearing up the mess of unwashed utensils. What we are not aware of are the dangers that are lurking behind us when we least expected. This is the second incident that happened to my friend’s relative in a restaurant within a month.


This case happened in a Thai cuisine restaurant in Kuantan, Pahang few days back. This elderly man was having dinner with his 2 friends. They ordered steam fish as one of the dishes. When the fish arrived, the waitress lighted some liquid gel instead of the normal candles to keep the fish warm. The whole thing suddenly exploded, injuring his face, body and hand. He was admitted into the nearest hospital with second degree burns. He was lucky to be wearing glasses or else he would have been blinded by the blast.

The second case involved a lady who was having dinner with her friends. Happily, they walked into the restaurant. After dinner, the happy memories turned into tragedy when she tripped and fell down the stairways. She was declared dead upon arrival in the hospital.

You can call that fate or you can call that bad luck or karma, but one thing I can assure you. Life is very unpredictable. Anything can happen to you anytime, anywhere and anyhow. Stay strong to your spiritual belief and appreciate those people who loved you. You might regret not doing what you should do when it is too late.


Anonymous said...

OMG! so bad!! I used to always be fascinated by those petroleum gels or was it kerosene? Whatever flammable gel that is... I always wanted one for my patio light or something to that effect... looks so nice... I'm not so sure anymore. I know this has nothing to do with your restaurant issue... but wow... Talk about bad luck while eating out huh? Makes bad service and food poisoning seen like a cake walk!

Paulie said...

What truly sad stories! Your message helps us to remember to live each day as it might be our last.

Anonymous said...

Quote: 'Anything can happen to you anytime, anywhere and anyhow. Stay strong to your spiritual belief and appreciate those people who loved you. You might regret not doing what you should do when it is too late.'

Sadly I know just how true the above statement is. Life is certainly unpredictable and never guaranteed.

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