Tuesday 12 June 2007


I have decided to go slow in my blogging today after a long posting. I did some blog hopping and came across a wonderful website by a so called Jonathan Deamer. Not only did he get me all excited over his articles on “50 signs you’re a blogaholic”, he also did send me an email thanking me for visiting his blog. How more personal can a person be?

After reading through his list of 50 signs, I ended up having ticked 23 signs. Gosh…I AM A BLOGAHOLIC! Luckily, I am still not a serious case yet as I know how to set my priority right. I have my own set of goals to achieve before I turned 40 years old. When I took up blogging, it acted as a mode of releasing my stress from heavy work schedules. With the encouragements of people like Cedric, AhPek, Papajoneh and a few more loyal readers, I ended up writing more and more articles touching mostly on life and relationships.

Well, I do enjoy writing good articles but then I had a phobia that things might not work well after a long period of time. Readers might get bored with my articles as what they do to their own lives. Reading the same style of writing might become too stale and too routine for them. It was only recently after I discovered Jonathan Deamer‘s article on “The 10 secrets of writing reviews that will keep readers coming back” that boosted my morality to strive for the best.

So go read what he has to say as he has many more useful links in his post that can help you blog better.


Everyday Healy said...

Waw.....He's the man! Thanks for posting this. Thanks for sharing. Jonathan Deamer is definitely what we called " The Professional Blogger". I wish one day I'll get such a huge group of readers too!

CRIZ LAI said...

healy: he rocks! :)

Anonymous said...

The 10 secrets are really cool one there. Honestly, i wanna research more on all those points. I need to read like 3 times now, bookmark, and read it again 2 times at least.
Cool link from cool person. Awesome Criz.
I do not want to encourage more.. later... the post about the view down there nicer.. can come true.. LOL ;)

CRIZ LAI said...

papajoneh: how come? LOL

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