I got tagged by Ritchie, the Tagging King this time. I guessed I have to keep the ball rolling. Here are the questions given by him:
5 things found in your bag
1. Files
2. Documents
3. Brochures
4. Pens
5. Stapler
5 things found in your purse/wallet
1. Money
2. Name card
3. Identity Card
4. Driver’s License
5. ATM Card
5 favourite things in your room
1. My Snoopy Pillow
2. My Cat Soft Toy
3. My Dog Soft Toy
4. My Winnie the Pooh Bolster
5. My Human Sized Teddy Bear…LOL
5 things you’ve always wanted to do
1. Travelling Around The World
2. Eating Exotic Food
3. Earning More Money
4. Writing A Book
5. Owning A Big Company
5 things YOU currently into
1. Blogging
2. Designing
3. Learning New Programs
4. Keeping Fit
5. Meditating
5 people WANT TO tag
1. SkyNaz
2. Grace
3. Dakota
4. Wuching
5. Nicholas
yay! gimme 5!
Oh No, another tagging!
kuanhoong: I did not tag you wor...Relax :)
wuching: Congrats :P
hehe 5 5!! another taggie 5!! :D
I've already done this tag before. LoL. Here's the link: http://piggyslife.wordpress.com/2007/05/04/the-5-things-tag/
wow new blogger theme.. my eyes also open big-big.. so wide, got to scroll from left to right!
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