Saturday, 26 January 2008



This week’s theme is on OLD-FASHIONED.
This is an OLD-FASHIONED radio transistor
that was first introduced to Malaya in 1954 by the then National brand.
After independence from the British in 1957, our country has been named Malaysia and the National brand has changed its name to National Panasonic.
The OLD-FASHIONED radio belonged to my Dad
and I guessed it has become an antique as well.
As you can see, it is labeled as National All Wave Transistor 8.


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Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Anonymous said...

wow ! old skool ! hahaha. have a great weekend :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Does it still work? Reminds me of a picture I've got. You'll laugh when you see it :P Have a good weekend Criz!Its Not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle

Leah said...

Really old.

Very nostalgic.

Anonymous said...

WOW! That's antique too. hhmmm... it is still functioning?

Anonymous said...

we have that old radio before with four big batteries.

nice find cris!

happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I remember we have something like this in my grannies place:) Nice one,Criz!

Hootin Anni said...

You got that right!!! So old fashioned!!!

My 'old fashioned' is posted, hope you can drop by and visit with me too, I love visitors!!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cool old radio! :) Great choice for this week's Hunt. :)

Dragonheart & Merlin

Snap Catch said...

cool catch for the theme... hope you'll visit mine too..

Anonymous said...

Yes thats old radio and we have that kind in our house in just ours is big and heavy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, old it is though it must have been modern back then :)

Have a great weekend Criz!

My entries:


Anonymous said...

He had one very similar to that! :)

Mine's up too!

Anonymous said...

does it still work? I remember listening to a similar radio when I was a child in my grandparest house.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of my dad's radio. Nice take on the theme.

Cindy said...

I'd forgotten all about those little transistor radios!

Utah Mommy said...

What's your favorite radio station? lol! Nice one, old radio, we used to have old radio too but it's not working no more. Happy weekend!

Michele said...

I have a similar radio like that that I used as a little girl but that was soooooooo long ago but I loved it... I might even have it someplace... but gosh, this sure brings up some memories... great post!!!
Rocky Mountain Retreat

ellen b. said...

Great one for the theme! happy hunting...

Anonymous said...

Huwa! This must be very old already!

Btw, yeah my old dog went to the heaven about a month ago, that's why My Dog Diary was not updated until lately.

PastormacsAnn said...

Wow! Don't see oldies like this much any more at all. Great choice for The Hunt!

so many interesting old fashioned things today.

Heather said...

WOw, that is old!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

That's an OLD radio!

Ingrid said...

That certainly is an antique by now ! I gave my very first radio from 1955 to my son and it sits now in his living room as decoration ! (it still works !)

jams o donnell said...

Now that is an old fashioned radio! Happt weekend

bonggamom said...

We used to have a radio that looked like that!

Unknown said...

Definitely old-fashioned and antique. I wonder if it still works. ;)

Anonymous said...

1954? Wow, that's definitely old-fashioned!

jmb said...

Gosh we had one like that too. A Grundig. Excellent choice Criz. Have a good weekend

Tom said...

I remember our transistor radio when I was still a kid. Nice entry.

Queen of My Domain said...

That's pretty old. It looks like one my grandmother had in her restaurant when I was a child.

Anonymous said...

Nice old radio! Have a lovely weekend.

Sarge Charlie said...

I remember when

Anonymous said...

It is really really old.
still functioning now?

Anonymous said...

wah, that's really old!! makes me regret thrashing the crap out of that tiny radio mum used to have. it would have cost an arm n a leg today. o well....lovely shot!!

Carver said...

That's perfect for the old fashioned theme. I remember when we had a radio very similar to that one. I wasn't born until 1957 but I think the radios we had in the early 1960s were very similar. Makes me feel old, ha. Hope you have a great rest of your weekend.

LibertyBelle said...

That brings back memories! I had a transistor radio I listened to all the time. Great shot!
Happy Weekend

Rajson said...

I think my parents had a similar one back in 1960s.
Great choice!

eastcoastlife said...

My parents and parents-in-law still have old radios which still work! I hope they will give me one day so I can auction them for a good price. hehe...

I'm old fashioned, of course must give ang pows on CNY lah! Coming to get one? hehe....

KK Tah said...

Nice gadget you have there.

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