Friday, 16 November 2007



This week’s theme is on I LOVE … MY LIFE.
I LOVE MY LIFE being who I am without any worries.


I can play whenever I like and whatever time I’m pleased with.


When I’m hungry and need some attention,
I just meow and food would be served to me without any delays.


I can have the freedom to go wherever I like and do whatever I want,
and come back not worrying that I still have someone to hug in bed.


Don’t you think MY LIFE as a cat is so wonderful?

For those members,
Please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


Anonymous said...

Haha! Clever cats! I'd love to live life as your cat!

eastcoastlife said...

Wah! I want to be your cat too! So hang fook! Good life mann.

Everyday Healy said...

LOL! I think I should visit your cat one of these days. SO clever ler... I like the last pic so much. So merry. :)

You remind me of Christmas and my white Christmas tree which still in the store room now. Is it still white or already become brownish, I wondered? Hopefully it's still nice. :)

Anonymous said...

i also wanna be a cat. get to be pampered :P great entry :)

SabineM said...

Ok that last photo you should try to sell it! It is amazing!
I wish I could trade to have your freedom for one day! I miss it at times!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...the life of a kitty!! :-)

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous photos! I especially love the holiday shot. :)

Liz said...

Great photos! HAppy weekend :)

jams o donnell said...

Who would not love to be a cat! My four have it sweet and feature in my post for this week's theme. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

how adorable--have a wonderful weekend!!

Susan Demeter said...

Ha! I love this entry! Thanks for the smile ... :)

Weird Dan said...

You really can post your stuffs well enough :) Impressive once again criz

Anonymous said...

Wonderful choice for today's theme. holidays are fast approaching!

happy hunting!

Carver said...

Those are great shots and happy life loving cats. Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yep a cat's got it made! Happy hunting...

Sarge Charlie said...

loving life is a great thing

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Those were such adorable (and spoiled I might add) cats! =^..^=

Great shots!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty cat! Looks so lovable. Great photos! I especially love the last one! Merry Christmas to you too. Have a good weekend.

Lisa said...

Oh yes that's a great life! Enjoy yourweekend.

Misty DawnS said...

I love you cat! So beautiful.

Colin Campbell said...

Cats have such an easy life as you say.

maiylah said...

cool life! :)
happy weekend!

My PhotoHunt

Anonymous said...

Your kitties are so damn cute! I like them with the santa hat. Hehe. :D

Anonymous said...

Cute cat! And I love my life too:)

Mine is up here;
Photo Hunter:I Love
Happy Weekend!

PowersTwinB said...

Hi Criz! Great photos and your right, that is a great life! My hunt is up early too, please come and visit

jmb said...

I can see why that cat loves life. Very spoiled indeed. Have a good weekend.

Heather said...

Too sweet. Lovely shots.

Cynthia said...

Awww, so many cute pictures! You are right, I wanna be my cat...He has it so easy!

Anonymous said...

Wah wah Tigger! Your cats really manja man.

Anonymous said...

Cuddling with Tigger. Very cute.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to be your cats. When I was in Malaysia, my mom kept all the stray cats and we didn't give them too much attention.

After I moved to the US, it's ironic that I am allergic to animal fur and pollens.

I'm photohunting for the first time. Do visit me and share your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Adorable pics! Makes me want another kitten in the house! With two big dogs that would be interesting. Thanks for sharing your wonderful cats! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

The life of a Malaysian cat is indeed wonderful :)

Anonymous said...

To be a pampered cat - what a life!!

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

Gotta love a cat's life!

PastormacsAnn said...

Awww, that last photo is just SO CUTE!

Nice job on The Hunt.

Anonymous said...

I want that kind of life too!! hehe... Great photos!

Wilson said...

You really got a great choice for this weeks theme!... Mine is here!...

Have a nice weekend!....c",)

SnoopyTheGoon said...

He he - a lovely set, and I am totally with you!

Siani said...

Aw - lovely cats - so sweet. Have a great weekend!

My 'I loves' are up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.

Anonymous said...

Cat's have it made. Seriously, I want to be a cat now.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wonderful photos. :) You are very cute kitties. :) I love my life too. :)

Here's what I Love.

Daisy said...

A cat's life is good!

Anonymous said...

Your cat is so blessed to have you. They are sooooo pampered (=

Andree said...

Those are magnificent, loving, fun photos! The Santa hats photo is precious.

Dragonstar said...

There's no better life than that of a pampered cat! Your photos are cute. Thanks for visiting.

Forty Paws said...

Regarding your question about our large cats. They eat Eukanuba and IAMs dry foods, and Science Diet prescription dry foods. Some of them are overweight and are on diets.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cat! The last photo is great :)

Chen said...

Hahhha. Your cat so hang fook or hoh miah. He even has a soft toy to hug and play with. So sweet :)

Ingrid said...

Apparently we have the same taste concerning cats ! They are soooo loveable !

Mickey's Musings said...

Your cats are very cute,naturally they would love their life :)
Great choice for Photo Hunter!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what a darling cat!

smiles, bee

rdl said...

great pics! love the santa one!

Queen of My Domain said...

That's great. I think I would love that life also. Great photos, especially the hugging one.

A. said...

Oh beautiful! Those are great shots of your cats, most especially the last one. You're so right, the life of a cat is wonderful.

Liz Hinds said...

Lucky cats!

Natalie said...

What a great life!

YTSL said...

Oooooooooo, sooooooooo cute! Especially the "with Tigger" and "Seasons Greetings" pictures! :)

shiera said...

Now I'm jealous of your cat! It's living its life to the fullest. haha

Anonymous said...

Those are cute!

Nancy Jensen said...

ahhhhhh, very cute photos! I have a picture of my cat wearing a Santa hat but he doesn't look very happy wearing it. lol

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