Wednesday 8 August 2007


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Have you ever sat down and study within yourself how many different personalities you have? Sometimes you may act like a child playing “peekaboo” with your spouse, children or adult friends. Sometimes you may act as tame as a kitty cat, as wild as a tiger, as hysterical as a hyena, as talkative as a parrot, as hungry as the wolves or even as wise as an owl. Have you ever thought that you are a combination of all these personalities? These are some of the images of who you are, images of your “SELF”. No one person on earth has only one personality. Most of us are born to act differently in different environment or different situation.

Since birth, you have been labeled. What lied under that label is you. You start to believe in that label and live based on what other people has taught you, namely your parents. When you grew up, you have friends whom will influence you with their own labeling. “Hey…why go for local made when you can have more sophisticated made?” You tend to get interested and drifted away from your culture and tradition to have a taste of something that is new. How long you stay under that label depends on your mentality. How much of those perceptions are right or wrong depends on your maturity? This is where those different personalities are gathered from.

I often noticed that a number of people who hated evil most are likely to be very evil themselves? What made me conclude to this statement? Very often, these type of people tagged the evilness of others but not themselves. I was once like that too. Criticizing and insulting others were my second nature. As age gets older, I realized that these actions are of no benefits to me at all as when I pointed my finger at others, the other fingers are pointed back to me. Feeling superior and happy when denouncing others whom we deemed evil was not the ideal choice anymore. It has only given me the temporary false sense and turned myself into an evil. Isn’t it better for me to look into myself to avoid the recurrences of that personality or characteristic?

How do like someone whom will never stop telling lies? How do you feel when a person lies to you? What does one get if one lives a life filled with lies? I am sure that person will not grow up mentally and psychologically if one does not live a life of truth? What will happen if one lived the life of lies? There will be never ending of lies on top of lies. By the end of the day, one will not remember what has been the first lie. Do you think there is any real lasting joy and satisfaction in staying at such a stage?

Here is a simple test which may determine your personalities. Do give it a try by selecting ONE PHOTO which you think suit you best:

 Criz’s Sanctuary


  • Gold: guard, banker, FBI agent
  • Blue: poet, actor, wizard, musician, sensitive counselor, prophetess
  • Green: scientist, nerd, computer genius
  • Orange: party animal, warrior, mountain man, craftsman, "real man", wild woman

Now select ONE COLOUR which you think suit you best:

Criz’s Sanctuary


  • Gold: security, acceptance by others, material goods, authority
  • Blue: harmony, good emotions, using intuition, know self better
  • Green: understand everything, question everything, learn novel insights, independence
  • Orange: use immediate impulses, develop skills, fun, adventure, escape boredom


Gold: You like structures and rules, high desire to be organized, to know what is expected and to fulfill those expectations. You may like school and being perfect in school work. You may dislike rowdies and rule breakers.

Blue: You like feelings, high desire for harmony between people. You are often spiritual and imaginative. You may be most unhappy with strife and discord and with those who value rules or ideas more than people.

Green: You like thinking and reasoning. You like inquiry and questioning everything. You often dislike routine or following illogical instructions or traditions.

Orange: You like action, sensational things and fun. You are often good at rapid problem solving and sizing up people quickly. You especially hate being bored, inaction or being pinned down. You frequently dislike school, lessons, books, extended explanations or discussions. You have a strong and immediate impact on others.


SaeWei said...

ahhh... the cats!!!!!!!!!

I still couldn't figure out which part of me is like a "real man" ler.. hahaha.. But this one is pretty accurate -->

Orange: use immediate impulses, develop skills, fun, adventure, escape boredom (i use impulse more than my brain that's why always end up regretting things)

Orange: You like action, sensational things and fun. You are often good at rapid problem solving and sizing up people quickly. You especially hate being bored, inaction or being pinned down. You frequently dislike school, lessons, books, extended explanations or discussions. You have a strong and immediate impact on others.

90% of this is true.. I do hate school.. LOL.. but nope.. i didnt make any impact on anybody.. :(

Pike-chan said...

i'm the blue guy... blue is even one of my fave colors

conan_cat said...

i chose green for 1st and orange for 2nd... and both had nothing to do with my study field XD but yeah both do tell a certain truth bout me tho haha... :)

agree that lies and insults will not do any good. it really depends on the person though... many people i know believe that only through competition and comparing you will find your own identity. insulting and degrading is only to make them stronger in that sense, but nothing else.

you are one good man who knew much better than many out there. really, i learnt a lot from you. :)

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