Saturday, 30 June 2007


This week’s topic is on SWEET.
What would you get when there are sweet things on the table?
You attract small critters like ants.
I left some sugar on the table and within half an hour
You can see some ants having a fiesta.
Just look at how hungry these insects are.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I have also secretly “borrowed” my nieces’ sweets.
I can’t believe that they have so many colorful sweets
in their possessions.

China, Japan and Korea sure know how to package
their sweets to attract children.
They even have miniature Snickers and M&Ms.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


sumilo said...

wow.. nice capture of those ants..
looks like using a good camera here..
but now i really want to kill them, i like to kill them.. muahahahaha....

Anonymous said...

I love your interpretation of sweet. :-)

Anonymous said...

GRRR..I hate those pesky creatures!! Great job on the photo.

Anonymous said...

that's a nice macro shot!

jams o donnell said...

Excellent ant photo Criz. That is a superb macro

MaR said...

Snickers and M&M's are my fave sweets!!! you can keep the ants!

Anonymous said...

The colors for the packaging really do get you!

Jenn in Holland said...

I love the ant shot! Wow!
And the candy wrapper shot is making me feel a little hungry....

Anonymous said...

ouch! they bite lol!

so sweet in here lots of ants scattered around!

happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

The photo of the ant is making me itch! Fabulous photo.

Blur Mommy said...

I love the first photo! Great shot of the ants & sugar!!

Tina said...

The first shot, great idea. the second one, i also love to eat those sweets, last time i went to japanshopping store in Düsseldorf/Germany and bought some.

Wuching said...

i hate ants!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Yay, we love Hello Kitty! (Not sure what the sweet is in the package!) :-)
Ants, not so much. Shudder.
SWEET Photo Hunt

letha said...

Not sure about the ants but the sweets look good

Jose said...

Wow look at the size of the sugar, either that or you have a great telephoto lens. This week's theme is going to get my sweet tooth going.

Sarah said...

I am impressed with your picture of the ants!! I hate ants, but GREAT picture. They sure look hungry.;-)

ipanema said...

those sugar crystals look like diamonds! great pic! oh, i love eating that marshmallow hello kitty. :) happy weekend!

Heart of Rachel said...

Wow, what a great shot! You surely have a way with taking photos. Excellent job.

I find myself attracted to cute packaging too. :)

jmb said...

Fabulous ant photo. I loved the idea too.

Anonymous said...

Love the ant photo! Happy Saturday!

PowersTwinB said...

Very creative with the ants and sugar! Good take on this weeks theme! My photo is up, please come and visit

Montserrat said...

The sugar crystals turned out really good in your photo. Nice take!

Chen said...

Fabulous shot.
i hate ants. Should we kill the ants?

Patricia said...

Yes, sugar will most definitely attract the ants! Cool photo. I think all candy is packaged to attract children - children of all ages! =). Thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek and have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

I don't like ants, but that is an amazing picture of them and the sugar!

Yes, those little sweet treats are all too tempting, even for adults.

Anonymous said...

The sugar crystals are big! Love tve hello kitty candy. :)

have a sweet weekend!

Ingrid said...

Aunts are terrible once they get in they attack everything. What a colorful picture of sweets !

Anonymous said...

I'm itching!!!!

Great pic though....

Daisy said...

I love the photo of the ants with the sugar. Now I see why ants like sugar so much. I think the ants are confused and think the sugar is little diamonds.

Cheryl said...

Oh my! At first I thought, ick, that's not sweet. Then I read what you wrote. Ah ha! Great macro of it and very unique photo.

Andree said...

Love that ant photo. They do look hungry!

Karen said...

All of these sweet pictures today! I'm gaining weight just looking at them!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

The ants are nasty looking, but that's a great photo of them. The photo of the sweets made me hungry! Happy hunting and have a great weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Wow - the ant photo looks so artistic. Great shot!!

Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

That's nearly exactly what I was going to do for this week's Sweet topic! I was just too lazy to find my macro lenses LOL

Great shots, both of them.

Thanks for visiting me.

Anonymous said...

Very creative! I am glad those ants aren't on my table!

Anonymous said...

I feel like squashin' some antz now!!!!

hahahah...that's definitely sweet!


Ants! Ants! Ants! Oh how I hate them. Great photo and good take.
Thanks for the visit.

A. said...

Great photos! I don't dislike ants as long as they keep their distance. I can remember feeding them as a child....

Thanks for visiting earlier :)

Anonymous said...

my penang fren, great post! i never thought of taking pics of insects. i just might try it also. good photography

eph2810 said...

Wow the picture of the ants is just incredible. Awesome shot and so clear.
Yeah, I have to agree with the packaging on Asian candy. We go once a week to an Asian market to pick up some candy and cookies :) My favorite treat is Pocky :)

Have a great weekend.

JC said...

Lol... I'll pass on the ants but I sure do like M&Ms. Great shots!

Unknown said...

love the macro shot of the ants! great job!

eastcoastlife said...

Hi criz,
Thanks for informing me about my link. :)

You took a really great photo of ants and sugar crystals.

I like your blog. So techy. hehehe.....

Anonymous said...

CRIZ LAI, thanks for coming to my site. I love your macro shot.. with good DSL.

Anonymous said...

great shot with those ants!
and hey i like that hello kitty candy. :D

have a great weekend!

lissa said...

Who can resist sweets?

Those ants don't look real to me but then I have never seem them so close up.

Anonymous said...

woah, the first picture is really cool! I love the way you captured the image! It looks surreal! Great photos and thanks for the comment on my blog!

YTSL said...

Great pic of the ants and sugar. The ants look huge and the sugar like diamonds! :)

Cherry Popcorn said...

Wow.. your ants are really big! Did you really take it from your home? Scary ants! Haha..

Have a nice weekend! Take care!

Whirlwind said...

What a great macro shot!

Tracy S said...

That is an awesome macro shot. ants and sugar are so cool looking that close. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Great shot with the ants and the sugar! Very cool!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Mmmmm... we likes sugar, but not ants! Fanks fer visitin' us and checkin' out our sweet ride!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Eeewww...I hate ants! But, the sugary treats looks yummy sweet!

Anonymous said...

That one little bugger looks like he's had a bit too much! They're overdosing on sugar.

Gran said...

Excellent photo of the ants. What a great use of macro!!
The hello kitty candy wrapper is my favorite.

Stop by for a visit:

Anonymous said...

You sure are brave to get those ants... said...

Wow. Superb catch on those ants

Unknown said...

Amazing shot, Criz! I love it.

I knew there was another Malaysian on Photo Hunt, was racking my brain ... which one? Then I saw your comment and it all came back to me .. Haha. I'd better put in a link while I still remember.

Sara said...

cool pic with the ants!! That is cool looking sugar too, what kind is that ?
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Anonymous said...

the ants sure are diggin' the sweet sugar!!!!

HartofDixie said...

I had fun viewing! Thanks for sharing.

Samantha & Mom said...

Great photo! Ants love sweets that's for sure.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Anonymous said...

criz, i am the 66 commenter, wow, awesome leh... by the way, the Ants look like nyawa nyawa ikan one...u let it eat what kind of sweet? sleeping sweet ist?

Anonymous said...

That ant photo is really cool, I love it! The sweets look yummy too. Thanks for stopping by!

Choong Kwee Kim said...

Criz, your sweets are not only luring ants but also great blog traffic. What secret ingredients did you put in them sweets huh?

CRIZ LAI said...

sumilo: go ahead. ain't stopping you. haha

vegan momma: thank you

tegdirby92: neither do i like them but they are great for photography

cheche: thanks

jams o donell: thanks. your shots are just as nice

mar: i rather keep the sweets :)

amy's zoo: so did they catch the attention of my nieces.

jenn in holland: thank you. want to have some? haha

mousey: here's some antiseptic oil for you.

birdieroark: Why itch. They are so far away from you...haha

blur mommy: thanks

Tina: thanks for the compliment

wuching: bite your kuku before izzit?

mama bear june: yay..hello kitty is cute, some more in pink :)

letha: care to have some?

jose: thanks

sarah: thank you

CRIZ LAI said...

ipanema: i just realized that. maybe i'll use real diamonds but i guessed it won't attract them anymore :P

heart of rachael: thank you

jmb: me just struck my mind i should take something different.

melissa: thanks and have a nice weekend too :)

powertwinb: thanks

monserrat: thanks

chen: are welcome any time to stomp them but watch out for your butt :P

patricia: they do. Kids just love candies.

barbara h: see...i love a tooth because of candy..haha

julie: that's a macro shot

gattina: yea...i have to keep all my food in air tight containers

misslionheart: hey..i ran out of antiseptic cream...hehe

daisy: how i wished they are diamonds too

hummie: thanks. nice to see you again

CRIZ LAI said...

meeyauw: thanks

karen: me too...those cakes and ice creams are killing me...haha

chupieandj'smama: thanks

pat: :)

dawn: yay..i ruled 1st :P

lauren@baseballs&bows: too bad...haha

mott: be my guest :)

friday's child: need an insect control spray?

A: you kept ants? Gosh..haha

bengbeng: aiya..lots of them in your longkang lar.. haha

eph2810: thanks. my favorite is still snickers :P

JC: don't take all away...leave some for me :)

CRIZ LAI said...

surfergirl: thank you

eastcoastlife: better get the link right this time. thanks for the comment :)

hanneng: thanks

chepot: you can have some if you want to. I shall email to you.. LOL

lissa: not me...can you? haha

tiffane: you are welcome

YTSL: if that's the real size.. i'll sure scramble for my life..haha

princess shin: actually they are everywhere when there are sweet things. I forgot to do pest control for the week.. haha :P

whirlwind: hey..nice seeing you here. thanks for the comment

present storm: thanks

kai: oooo...i did not see you for a long time. Nice of you to drop by :)

kimo&sabi: haha..ok. I'll take anything minus them too :P

crazy working mom: yummy yummy the ants are dancing on my tummy...hey it rhymes :P

real women scrap: haha..youare sure observant on that :)

gran (angela): you all seems to like hello kitty a lot too :)

vader's mom: i did not get them.. they came to me.

CRIZ LAI said... thanks

bernard: nice to know another Malaysian here. Welcome to my blog anytime you feel like it :)

sara: thanks. it's just our regular fine sugar all blown up with macro :)

jeannie: haha.. unfortunately they do not know how to use a shovel or else it will be faster for them to barrow home

shabem: thanks for the visit :)

jcfloresinc: thanks

iCalvyn: i guessed they had a tummy full of sugar and gone sleepy :P

mom unplugged: thanks the answers lies unto sheer hard work and commitment in responding to others.

Nurul said...

wow...!! I love the first photo...

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

The first photo is so good and close!
My little (inexpensive) camera will not go in that close, but I'm glad to have it!
My daughter lived in Japan and noticed the bright candy wrappers :)

~ Napoleon and Miss Emily's Mom

Turtles said...

Wow, that first photo is amazing. It's a great picture!

My kids have quite the sweet tooth too. I try to throw out some of the candy once in a while (when the kids aren't around of course). I'm not always successful.

Angela said...

Nice macro shot!! Sugar looks so sparkling, and the ants, well.. Thanks for visiting!

Ritsumei said...

The ant photo is really cool - but I must say, the triangle M&M bag sure brings back memories! We visited Japan a few years ago & were most entertained by the tiny triangle M&M bags. I thought about bringing some home for souviners, but they never seemed to last that long for some reason...

Janet said...

oooh, those ants look like they sting! do they? OUCH! Beautiful shot, tho, love the sugar crystals :-)

Shawna said...

The ants are very interesting! And that candy does look good!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! :P

Anonymous said...

Ants are not what I was expecting! But the candy sure looks yummy!

tintocktap said...

Great photo of the ants and an interesting take on the theme - well done!

Anonymous said...

Wow great shot of the ants and yum! Candy!

Thanks for stopping by mine and posting.

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