Friday, 8 February 2008



This week’s theme is on HEAVY.
Let’s have something way out of the box this week.
“I’m HEAVY,” said the egg with a sad face.


You all don’t believe I’m HEAVY?
Can’t you see that I’m HEAVY in that glass?


Gosh! I’m so HEAVY that I could barely float in the water.


Don’t worry… a bit of magic in my hand
will make me not so HEAVY
and float in the water… hehe :P


Here is a secret on how the egg can float.
I have stirred two teaspoons of salt into the glass of water.
Adding salt to the water puts more molecules into the water to make it denser.
The more salt you add, the denser the water becomes.
Finally it becomes denser than the egg.
This makes the egg float.


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Please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


eastcoastlife said...

I love the cute egg in the first pic! hehe....

Happy Lunar New Year!!

*throws ang-pow at Criz*

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Wah! Educational post wor :)

Gong Hey Fatt Choy to you!!
Make sure on Chap Goh Meh you wear helmet to avoid been hit by stray oranges arh! :P

Wuching said...

its the same principle as in the dead sea where swimmers will float all the time

Susan Demeter said...

I LOVE it!!!! Science is too cool :)

Happy Photo Hunting :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Criz...

thanks for dropping by! I just got mine up..hee hee...

this egg, I thot u just switched with an old egg..coz the older the eggs, the more air they have! Didn't think it was salt that did the trick!


Lynn said...

I love your story here. Yes, the salt in water. Like the Dead Sea where people just float and no need to swim. :)

Michele said...

I haven't been feeling so great in the last couple days but this really made me smile... what a wonderful post!!!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

PowersTwinB said...

Very imaginative post for the theme this week! You're always thnking! My hunt is up please come and visit

jmb said...

This is really neat Criz. Educational and funny. What more can you ask. Have a great weekend.

Leslie: said...

This is great! I used to do this experiment with my grade 4 kiddies when we studied water. Very unique idea for "heavy." :D

Katney said...

You should be a science teacher.

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea for the theme, and interesting to boot! I will have to try this one...

Andree said...

I'm so glad you told me why. I keep forgetting. You put so much effort into this post: it's paid off, it's just great! You have a great sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

So cute & fun! hehe...

Gong Xi Fatt Chai!! Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Funny post you have here. :D

Happy Chinese New Year!

Jen said...

I love this one! Thanks for dropping by! :) Jen

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Fun photos! Creative entry for this week's Hunt. :)

And yes, Merlin is growing quickly! He's almost as big as Dragonheart now. :)


MaR said...

Great shots and experiments :)
Well done!
Happy hunting and happy weekend

jams o donnell said...

Nice take on this week's theme! Happy weekend

Randi said...

You are a good teacher!
Great choice for this week’s theme.

Unknown said...

That´s a very cute take on heavy, Criz! Thanks for sharing the heavy egg´s secret. My son can´t wait to see eggs floating *g*

Happy Hunting!

imac said...

Eggstatic photos, great post and great Heavy Photo hunt.

Thanks for visiting my lil ol blog and your kind comments.

Carver said...

That's a very clever take on the theme and informative too. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very clever! I love your post.

Mickey's Musings said...

You have a wonderful way of demonstrating'Heavy'.
Most entertaining!

JesieBlogJourney said...

That's a great and creative heavy concept. Did you end up making salted eggs then?

Happy CNY to you.

My heavy is published.

Ingrid said...

I don't know the salt thing, but I know if you put an egg in water and it floats it is fresh and if it sinks it's rotten. Or was it the other way around ??? Don't remember.
BTW Happy New Year to you ! Good start into the Rat year !

Queen of My Domain said...

Very Fun! I'm going to have to do that experiment with my 9 year old.

Rach said...

that's a great post, how cute does that egg look! :-)

Daisy said...

I hope the egg is smiling now that he is not so heavy!

Heather said...

My kids love that experiment.

Dragonstar said...

That is such a fun post! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Very imaginative post!! Great!

Happy Weekend.

Lisa said...

Very nice heavy - enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

lol that was a fun post

bonggamom said...

Love your post! I'm going to try that with my kids, thanks for the idea.

Anonymous said...

Clever take on this week's theme. Have a great weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Just dropping by today to send along my heartfelt thanks for such a lovely happy birthday wish! Y'all made my day so special yesterday, and I cherished every single wish left in my comments. You're a treasure!!! Thank you kindly!!!

Great idea for the theme's subject this week.

Colin Campbell said...

My kids liked that trick.

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