Saturday, 7 July 2007


On this week’s topic FAKE,
I would like to show you how fake some coins could be.
Here is the photo of some coins.

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Here is what they actually are

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I also took a shot of my friend, Carrie.
See how beautiful those pairs of eyes are.
She was actually wearing a pair of colored contact lenses.

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For those Photo Hunters members,
Please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you. Have a Great Weekend!


Dexter said...

me 1st me 1st... muahahaha

wa... the eyes so sexy... i like it lo... wakakaka

Jose said...

The lenses may be fake, but the eyes are real-e beautiful. Great shot.

Anonymous said...

That is a great interpretation of fake!! Those coins are used to give to Jewish children during Hannukah. Great shot!

jams o donnell said...

Great take Chriz! Your friend has beautiful eyes

AaronWoolala said...

Chocolates! I need my daily dose! Argh~ *dies*

Michele said...

Mmmm...chocolate... great pics!

ipanema said...

nice subjects! i love the chocolates. can you imagine i have eaten people [on the choco of course.]? :)

happy weekend!

Heart of Rachel said...

I love chocolate coins! Very creative entry. Love the last shot. Thanks for sharing.

CRIZ LAI said...

dexterity: are fast this time. Happy Weekend :)

jose: yea...she has beautiful eyes :)

tegdirb92: now only i know. I gave them to my nieces as sweets :P

jams o donnell: Oh, thanks

Aaron: haha... i though you grow rich with them (coins)

michele: thanks

ipanema: what? people...that I ought to see :P

heart of rachel: thanks :)

Lisa said...

Mmmm chocolate - I love it. Her eyes are beautiful, I love those fake lenses. Happy weekend.

jmb said...

Excellent photos for the theme. Those eyes don't look a fake colour, do they?

maiylah said...

i was thinking of fake coins, too, but i couldn't find it among my son's toys! lol ...
great take on the theme!

happy hunting!

Angela said...

Nice shot of the eyes. Fake but pretty.

Detroit said...

Coins - that was a good one! lol

Amber said...

Fake lenses or not, she's got pretty eyes.

0:) Amber

Anonymous said...

Nice choice for all of your photos, I used to love getting those small net bags of chocolate coins. I also agree contacts or no contacts your friend has very pretty eyes.


Ingrid said...

Very nice interpretation ! I like the blue eyes ! Looks very pretty !

PowersTwinB said...

2 great photos for this weeks theme, your friends eyes are just gorgeous! and the chocolate? YUM! My photo is up, please come and visit

eastcoastlife said...

Yeah, I love these gold coins.... kekeke.... I place them in a chest during Chinese New Year for good luck!

Beautiful girl wor! Your steady or fake? :)

Anonymous said... chocolate coins...yummy!

Lynn said...

Haha, I remember those chocolate coins when I was a kid. The blue contacts look nice.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

That was my first thought for fake, so I took the coins out to photograph and ate them instead. Great job,... good chocolate,

Anonymous said...

Gold AND chocolate...two of my favorite things! Beautiful eyes!

Biker Betty said...

Great idea for the chocolate coins. I need contacts like those.

Happy Saturday, Biker Betty :)

bonggamom said...

Great choices for "fake", I love both of them! said...

That is a real beautiful pair of eyes!

srp said...

Love those lenses... I just wish I could wear contacts again... had a great pair and one broke... never had a good fit since.

Chemical Apple said...

nice contacts....
i want oNE!!!

MaR said...

Great take on the theme! loved the chocolate coins as a child, I still like them. Your friend has lovely has, fake lenses or not!
happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Excellent! We seem to see those chocolate coins around Christmas time. But that may be just because that's when I'm looking for them...

Those lenses look amazingly real!

Anonymous said...

gotta love those chocolates coins. :)
thanks for dropping by.
have a nice weekend and happy 070707.

JaamZIN said...

the blue lenses are sexy..especially for asian ladies!:)

Anonymous said...

what lovely eyes the lady has,
what lovely tints of gold the coin has,
what else crizlai has for us next week,
that I am waiting to see :)

Amazing Gracie said...

Excellent choices and such variety! Yes, I have a Jewish friend who passes these coins out every year at Channukah, which usually occurs around Christmas time. Neat tradition...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love that kind of money! :-)

And those eyes - how gorgeous!

Happy Weekend!

Tina said...

Haha, great idea with the money. I have money, too. ;-) I like to eat it. The eyes are really beautiful. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Love the eyes...

have a great weekend!

babyfiona said...

the chocolates taste nice! last time when i am small, i always buy for myself one. But now, the coin chocolate so expensive ler..

Nancy Jensen said...

I like your fake coins. Anything chocolate is AOK in my book! The fake eye color is pretty, too.

Hootin Anni said...

Cool!! Love the blue lenses.

How clever. Boy, I had a tough time coming up with something fake. Y'all seem to make it look so easy for the theme.

Happy Hunting.

Liz Hinds said...

I prefer the chocolate version!

Wonderful eyes - with or without coloured lenses.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm chocolate

letha said...

I remember playing with chocolate coins and being so rich when I was little ... If only.

Anonymous said...

Those fake coins are great and she has beautiful eyes!

Mine is up too.

Daisy said...

Fake coins! What a great idea for the theme! I am always disappointed in these chocolate coins because cats are not allowed to eat chocolate. And I always think the gold coins will be worth a fortune!

Anonymous said...

i love eating those choco coins when i was younger. too bad i haven't seen some here. take care!

Leslie said...

awesome photos as usual, now I am off to find some chocolate!

CRIZ LAI said...

incog & nito: thanks

jmb: it's fake

maiylah: mine are edible.. bite bite :)

angela: thank you

betty jane: thanks

amber: i agreed too

lisa renee: thanks

gattina: cool. thanks too

powerstwinb: haha. thank you

eastcoastlife: neither, just a friend

mott: yummy yummy

lynn: thanks

kissedalotatoad: sure yummy

lulu: mine too. thanks

biker betty: not on the bike ok?

bongga mom: thanks for the visit

yenjai: sure they are

srp: hey...u should try getting one pair

blueapple: go buy yourself :P

CRIZ LAI said...

mar: thanks

A.: haha. right

chepot: me too

zsolt: you define sexy?

bengbeng: haha...too much of suspense for you?

amazing gracie:'s neat.

pat: thanks

tina: thanks too

julie: amazing right?

babyfiona: not really expensive if you know where to get them :)

nancy: love chocolate? just watch your diet too :P

hootin' Anni: hehe...of course :)

liz: thank you

bounce: haha..the chocolate attracted you more?

letha: will be rich soon. Don't worry :)

Renee: Thanks

Daisy: Come to are forever cute :)

cheche: It's not as easy to find as before.

leslie: glad to know you love my photos :)

Whirlwind said...

I always wanted colored lenses! My girls would love the fake money!

Karen said...

No wonder pirates had such bad teeth. All of their doubloons were made from chocolate!

Great takes on the theme!

Unknown said...

nice take on the choco coins! the eyes may be obviously contacts but the shot is nice.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Wonderful take on the theme! Your photography is beautiful too. The chocolate coins look yummy. I love the contact lenses. I used to have ones that turned my green eyes a turquoise shade. Happy Saturday!!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Yummy Coins! Such pretty eyes. Are they brown?
Happy Hunting and 7-7-07!

HartofDixie said...

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing as always.

jenny said...

I like the fakeness here! Good choices for the theme today. I like your saying on your header! Encouragement for my day.

Anonymous said...

OK, I really thought the coin was real....LOL! And your friends eyes are beautiful with the fake lenses! Thanks for sharing such great photos! My photo is HERE if you'd like to come visit me.

Jodi said...

I kinda had a feeling the coins were chocolate. Your friend's eyes are gorgeous!

Have a great Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Great job! Happy Saturday!

Anonymous said...

yumm... we love chocolate, terrific shot

PastormacsAnn said...

Chocolate coins! Very clever (and delicious!) Beautiful photo of a lovely set of eyes.

Great picks for our fake theme this week. Thanks a bunch for dropping by for a visit.

Unknown said...

Amboiii.. cantiknye!

Know what? The fake coloured lens look quite good. Some lens actually have such BIG pupils (the central black part) that they look like they're dilated and excited ALL the time. :-)

BenSpark said...

Man I really don't like the taste of those chocolates. That could have been the photo, fake chocolate. good shots.

YellowRose said...

Yummm, chocolate!! Those eyes...gorgeous!!

Great choices!!

Anonymous said...

Her eyes are beautiful. :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Terrific photos! Great examples for "fake." Those chocolate coins look cool!

Anonymous said...

Great fakes! I'll take fake money like that anytime!

Anonymous said...

Aha, I knew it all along. That evil chocolate trys to get everywhere. Another sneaky disguise uncovered, great detective work there.

Seriously I love the eyes shot, great take on today's theme.

Thanks for visiting my entry earlier at

I am JMR from

Janet said...

great definitions of fake!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! The eyes are really pretty and the coins look yummy! Thanks for stopping by and pointing out that today is 07-07-07. I hadn't realized that. Happy Saturday!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my place. Those are great fakes...

the first one is definitely delicious

the second one is very pretty

I am loving all the takes on "fake" this week!

Tina said...

Happy 07.07.2007, too. What a great date. ;-)

eph2810 said...

Excellent choices for this week's photo hunt theme of fake :) - Even though your friend is wearing colored contact lenses - she still has beautiful eyes :)

Have a great weekend.

Andree said...

Fake coins are fine. But if it were fake chocolate? Oh brother would there be trouble!

Gran said...

Great take on the Fake Theme. What beautiful eyes eventhough the lense are fake.

Thanks for visiting earlier. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Very fake, and very fun. :) Great choices.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Great interpretation of the theme ... Those eyes are furry pretty ... Are they indigo or purple?

Patricia said...

I like both of your subject choices, but the eyes are my favorite. Thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek and leaving a kind comment! Hope your weekend is going great.

YTSL said...

Great photos and choices of "Fake" topics! :)

Shelby said...

great photos - take care!

Candice said...

Forget the gold, I'll take the chocolate!!

Gorgeous eyes on your friend, also.

great takes on the theme. thanks for stopping by mine, too.

amandazen said...

Both are great fakes! Nice hunting this week.


Anonymous said...

wow great pics on fake. Excellent.

Teena in Toronto said...

Chocolate coins! The best kind!!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Anonymous said...

Nice lenses! I love the chocolate coins :)

Here's mine:

Have a great week ahead!

Anonymous said...

DH loves those chocolate coins. I always buy him some when I can find them. It's usually just around holidays, though.

Ritsumei said...

Mmmmmmm...... choclate money! That's a fabulous fake!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! :P

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